Health & Safety Policy
Contents Page
1.0 General Statement of Intent
2.0 Roles and Responsibilities
3.0 Arrangements
3.1 Accident Reporting & Investigation
3.2 Alcohol and Controlled Drugs
3.3 Asbestos
3.4 CDM Regulations
3.5 Communication with workers
3.6 Contractors and Sub-Contractors
3.7 Control of Silica Dust
3.8 Control of Wood Dust
3.9 COSHH Assessments
3.10 Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
3.11 Electricity at Work
3.12 Environmental Protection
3.13 Environmental Waste Management & Pollution Control
3.14 Equipment Inspections & Records
3.15 External Health and Safety Consultants
3.16 Fire Safety
3.17 First Aid Arrangements
3.18 Guidance
3.19 Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAV)
3.20 Health & Safety Records
3.21 Health & Safety Training
3.22 Health Surveillance
3.23 Lone Working
3.24 Machinery Maintenance
3.25 Machinery Operation
3.26 Manual Handling Assessments
3.27 Method Statements (Safe Operating Procedures)
3.28 Noise
3.29 Personal Protective Equipment
3.30 Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)
3.31 Pregnant Workers
3.32 Purchase Policy
3.33 Risk Assessments
3.34 Road Safety Transport
3.35 Safety Audits and Monitoring
3.36 Serious or Imminent Danger
3.37 Transport & Company Vehicle Safety
3.38 Welfare
3.39 Working at Height
3.40 Young Workers
General Statement of Intent ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED is committed to ensuring the safety of its employees, customers, members of the public and anyone else who are affected by our operations. The company commits to operating in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work (etc) Act 1974, The Management of Health & Safety Regulations and all other current applicable regulations and codes of practice, so far as is reasonably practicable. The management will ensure that significant risks are assessed and suitable and sufficient measures are adopted to allow each employee/contractor to carry out his/her duties safely and without risk to health. Suitable equipment will be provided and maintained in a safe condition, and safe systems of work will be devised. The company shall strive to achieve continuous improvement in Health & Safety performance. ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Management will provide all necessary resources including time to ensure that all Health and Safety matters are adequately funded. This includes, training, personal protective equipment, adequate equipment/tools, maintenance for this equipment, external advice where necessary and any other resource necessary to ensure the Health and Safety of our staff. Each employee/contractor will be made aware of his/her responsibility for his/her own health and safety and that of others. All employees/contractors will be given the opportunity to consult with the management on matters relating to Health & Safety, or to appoint a representative to do so. Where necessary the company will arrange or provide suitable training for both management and operatives, in particular where new work practices or equipment are introduced. The company will seek external advice as necessary to keep its health & safety policy, working practices and equipment up to date and in accordance with current legislation. Ultimate responsibility in all areas of safety rests with the Managing Director. This duty is of no less importance than any of the responsibilities attached to that position. Reviews of Health and Safety Policy will be made annually no later than 1 year after the date on this policy. The monitoring of all issues relating to this policy is the responsibility of the Managing Director. Signed: 1 August 2019 Damian Madej Managing Director ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Please note that this document is current as of Thursday 1st August 2019 . For the latest version of this uncontrolled document please consult the author.
Roles and Responsibilities Organisation and Managerial Responsibilities; The company is owned and managed by Damian Madej who is directly responsible for Health and Safety matters within the company. The responsible person will seek external assistance where necessary to ensure that the company meets both its statutory obligations and the objectives laid down in this Health & Safety Policy. We use HS Direct Ltd (0114 2444461) for gaining help and advice with Health & safety matters where required. The organisation of the workforce is the responsibility of Damian Madej, who holds the position ofManaging Director and who is responsible for ensuring that the companys Health & Safety Policy and associated procedures are implemented by all site operatives. Day to day management of the companys operations is the responsibility of Damian Madej who may be supported by site managers, each responsible for one site or customer premises. Depending on the size and nature of the site, the responsible person may be supported by one or more supervisors responsible for the direct supervision of the company operatives. Employee/Contractor Responsibilities; Each and every employee/contractor has a statutory duty to take reasonable care in relation to his/her own health & safety, and the health and safety of any other person who may be affected by his/her acts or omissions. Therefore, it shall be the duty of all Employees/Contractors whilst at work: To take reasonable care for the Health & Safety of themselves and others, who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work To co-operate with the employer to ensure compliance with all the company Health & Safety policies and procedures To refrain from intentional or reckless interference with equipment and/or systems provided in the interest of Health, Safety and the Environment To co-operate with management when required on such things as accident prevention and all procedures with regard to Health, Safety and the Environment as set out in the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act and the Environmental Protection Act (as amended), and all associated Regulations and ACOPs To maintain good standards of housekeeping in our premises and on client premises To report any accident or incident including near-misses (whether or not personal injury results) to the office To report any defects in equipment without delay to their immediate Supervisor and not to attempt repairs which they have not been authorised and specifically trained to undertake To ensure that no potentially hazardous item, substance or machine is brought on to site or used without the prior knowledge and authority of their immediate Supervisor To use and if applicable wear any item of Personal Protective Equipment. It is a requirement of law that any equipment supplied for safety must be used, and when not in use it is properly cleaned, stored and maintained. To undergo any Health, Safety, Environmental and operational training deemed necessary by the company EVERYBODY BY ENTERING ANY SITE ARE OBLIGE TO REPORT ANY UNSAFE WORK OR SITUATION IMMEDIATELY BY PHONE 07857379035 OR EMAIL. NO NO WORK TO BE CARRY OUT UNTIL PERMISSION IN WRITTEN (EMAIL) GRANTED Staff Consultation; If an employee/contractor becomes aware of any potential breaches of health & safety law, or unsafe working practices he/she must notify the MD or Site manager. If an employee/contractor feels that health & safety procedures may be improved, for example by use of alternative equipment, he/she will be encouraged to discuss any suggestions with the management. Specific Safety Functions and Named Responsibilities; Safety Function Person Responsible All Aspects Of Health And Safety Damian Madej
Arrangements This section defines our company arrangements and policies for dealing with our activities.
Accident Reporting & Investigation It is the policy of ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED that all accidents, incidents and near misses are reported to the site and recorded into the company's accident record book which is kept online in our Safety First Package. The main objective of accident, incidents, near misses reporting and investigation is to reduce incidents and prevent future accidents. It will be the responsibility of ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED to notify the Health & Safety Executive in respect of any accident or occurrence for which notification is required by the current - Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations. The following must be reported:
• Deaths • Specified injuries to members of the public on our premises and taken to hospital. Over 7 day injuries – where an employee or self-employed person is injured at work and away from work or unable to perform their normal work duties for more than 7 consecutive days. This must be reported to the HSE using appropriate forms within 15 days of the accident.
• • Some work-related diseases as per RIDDOR A dangerous occurrence – where something happens that does not result in an injury, but could have done.
• Gas Safe registered gas fitters must also report dangerous gas fittings they find, and gas conveyors / suppliers must report some flammable gas incidents.
• Any accident resulting in more than minor injuries or incident which might have resulted in serious injury will be investigated by ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED. Depending upon the circumstances of the accident, ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITEDmay seek the assistance of an external Health & Safety Advisor, both in the investigation and the formulation of preventative procedures to avoid repetition. A study of the circumstances will help to reduce or remove the causes. When the reports are examined over a period of time, it can be seen whether preventative measures have been effective in reducing accidents.
• If these objectives are to be attained, investigation and reporting must be accurate, complete and consistent.
• All accidents and incidents resulting in injury to employees and/or to any other persons, or near misses on the premises that ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITEDemployees are working on must be reported immediately to ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED reception and/or owner and be recorded in the company Accident book and reporting systems.
• Where there is more than one person injured in the accident a separate page should be used for each person.
• • All relevant questions must be completed for every accident resulting in personal injury. Care should be taken in completing the Accident Report Form and DSM Construction Services Ltd Supervisor wherever possible should ensure that the injured person reads the entry recorded on their behalf.
• Care should also be taken when stating the nature of the injury unless a medical certificate has been submitted. •
Alcohol and Controlled Drugs It is categorically forbidden for employees to enter places of work, to drive a vehicle, use or operate equipment, or to assist or supervise in it's use, whether on or off company business, in an unfit state due to the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs such as glue and other substances. Disciplinary action will be taken if you are caught in the possession of illegal drugs on Company or Client property or in Company vehicles. Employees taking medicines or prescribed drugs under the direction of their G.P, Dentist, or Hospital Doctor that may affect their ability to carry out their work duties have a duty of care responsibility and must notify their immediate Manager.If employee will come to work being under influence of drugs or alcohol he will be send away from workplace and fine 8 x hourly x 3 rate for first time, 8 x hourly rate x 5 for second time and if that’s happen third time during the year contract will be automatically terminated
Asbestos ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED policy is that we will not generally work with asbestos containing material products. Asbestos is recognised as being an extremely hazardous substance and as such must be treated with the utmost care. When working on site, staff and contractors will assume any suspicious material is asbestos and stop work unless there is conclusive evidence to the contrary. Any suspicious material shall be reported to the site or building manager immediately. An Asbestos Management Survey for the premises should always be made available. Its purpose is to locate, as far as reasonably practicable, the presence and extent of any suspected Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) in the building which could be damaged or disturbed during normal occupancy, including foreseeable maintenance and installation, and to assess their condition prior to starting work. Refurbishment and demolition surveys should be made available where refurbishment work or other work involving disturbing the fabric of the building is carried out.
CDM Regulations ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED recognises the requirements of these regulations and makes every endeavour to comply. Briefly - The regulations call for: Skill, Knowledge and Experience – (Competence of all) A person must be capable of carrying out duties placed on them and must only accept knowing they are competent to carry out the task. No person may arrange for a person to carry out works unless they are either, • Competent • Under supervision of a competent person The business selects personnel based on ability and where possible seeks demonstration by certification. A training plan is maintained and personnel are encouraged to take on additional training in order to improve skills. Additional in-house training refresher sessions are provided in order to keep personnel up to date with current regulations. Co-operation of employees, contractors and others Every person involved in works must seek the co-operation of any other persons concerned at the same or adjoining site so far as necessary in order to ensure all may carry out works safely. Similarly, they must co-operate to ensure others may continue with their works safely. All persons involved must report anything which is likely to endanger the health or safety of themselves or others. Supervisors have been appointed in order to ensure work is managed such that it may continue safely where multiple trades or activities may be ongoing simultaneously. Liaison with others allows arrangements to be made that enable all to continue. Co-ordination of activities All persons must co-ordinate their activities with one another in a manner such that, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of persons carrying out the work and anyone affected by the construction work will remain safe from harm at all times. It is recognised that all works may not be able to continue at the same time, therefore Supervisors will discuss and plan such that the project may progress safely. Prevention of accidents Every person must ensure general principles of prevention are applied, so far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure the safety of all and works during all stages of a project. This is a priority in all activities and the business ensures that method statements and risk assessments are produced identifying arrangements for safe working. All personnel are briefed on these to ensure they understand these arrangements and the risks that may be encountered by not following procedures. Duties of Contractors All Contractors and Principal Contractors have specific duties placed upon them under these regulations and all must be aware and endeavour to comply. The regulations spell out these requirements for both Contractors and Principal Contractors. The business is fully aware and endeavours to comply, so far as is reasonably practicable. All personnel have been made aware of these duties through in-house training. The current CDM Regulations apply to most common building, civil engineering and engineering construction work including Domestic Projects. In the case of a domestic project, if using more than 1 contractor, a health and safety file must be produced. In any case, the Contractor must produce a Construction Phase Plan suitable for Commercial and Domestic Project. In the event that a Project falls within the requirements of CDM, then the Principal Contractor must make provision for Welfare facilities as outlined under Schedule 2 of the CDM Regulations. The appointed Principal Designer will be responsible for carrying out the CDM duties and ensuring the completion of the Project Health & Safety File. On smaller projects where no PD is appointed, this role will be the responsibility of the Contractor when appointed by the client. HSE must be notified of the site if the construction work is expected to either: last longer than 30 days and have more than 20 workers simultaneously involved on site at any one time; or exceeds 500 person days of construction work. If a Project fits into CDM by either of the above factors, then HSE should be notified on-line before construction work starts using form F10.
Communication with workers ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED uses a variety of methods to communicate information to employees and sub-contractors. A quarterly formal Health and Safety Meeting is held to discuss any health and safety related issues. We will also pass information to employees via emails and bulletins posted on office Health and Safety Notice Boards. Communication with employees whose first language is not English will be carried out using one or more of the following methods; Ensure adequate time to consult with employees where language and/or literacy may be issues so they can absorb the information and respond to you. • • Use an interpreter; this may be a trained work colleague. Get information translated and check that this has been done clearly and accurately by testing it with native speakers. • • Use pictorial information and internationally understood pictorial signs where appropriate. Where information has to be in English, use clear and simple materials, and allow more time to communicate issues. •
Contractors and Sub-Contractors DSM Construction Services Ltd is responsible for assessing and controlling contractors and subcontractors working for or on behalf of ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED. All contractors and sub-contractors who are working for the company must have complete the contractor’s competence assesment before commencing work. All contractors and sub-contractors will comply with ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED: • Health & Safety Policy. • Emergency procedures. • Hazard/accident reporting procedures. All accidents and near misses need to be reported and recorded in the Accident Book located in main office. • A copy of the companies health and safety policy can be found on company notice boards which are situated in the office.
Control of Silica Dust ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED is aware that Silica Dust causes a lung disease known as Silicosis (which may be related to Lung Cancer). DSM Construction Services Ltd will endeavour to remove Silica Dust from work by eliminating or substituting other materials. If this is not possible, exposure will be reduced by putting in place ventilation and other methods such as dust suppression and local exhaust ventilation extraction and containment systems to reduce silica dust to the lowest level reasonably practicable. If the level of dust cannot be adequately controlled then a facefit dust mask to minimum standard En149 FFP2 or FFP3 will be worn.
Control of Wood Dust ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED is aware that hardwood dust can cause respiratory illness or cancer and will therefore put in place extraction and filtration systems to remove and contain dust for safe disposal at source. All wood dusts have a workplace exposure limit of 5mg/m3. Portable power tools will be selected to provide suitable extraction and filtration. Where this is not possible, portable extraction, containment and filtration will be made available. Suitable arrangements will be made for the safe disposal or recycling by a licenced waste management contractor. Where wood dust cannot be fully extracted and contained, personnel are required to wear suitable dust masks to EN149 FFP2 or FFP3 dependant on assessment of dust. External advice may be sort on appropriate mask filtration requirements. Personnel are aware of the hazards of wood dust and will not spread any residue dust by sweeping or blowing by air line. All cleaning works will be by vacuum, containment and sealed disposal.
COSHH Assessments For all materials or substances utilised which may be hazardous to health, a formal COSHH Assessment will be carried out by ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED. A register of hazardous substances shall be kept at the head office along with all relevant Safety Data Sheets. A copy of relevant COSHH Assessment(s) will be communicated to the operative(s) providing instruction for safe use.
Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Working with Display Screen Equipment is recognised as being a major cause of injury and ill health. ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITEDwill carry out DSE risk assessments and provide information, instruction and training to its entire DSE user staff. Employees must carry out the recommendations of the risk assessment and must report instances of injury or ill health suspected of being caused by DSE work to the person responsible for Health & Safety at their earliest convenience.
Electricity at Work All work associated with an electrical system shall be undertaken in strict compliance with the CURRENT Electricity at Work Regulations. Only competent and qualified electricians are permitted to work on electrical equipment and systems including changing of fuses, carrying out repairs or maintenance of electrical equipment and installation of accessories.
Environmental Protection ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED has a policy to comply with the current Environmental Protection Act, other associated statutory legislation and Approved Codes of Practice (ACOP). This applies to all those who are employed within the company or who are protected by its undertakings. Employees are asked to co-operate in the operation of this policy and make a positive contribution to environmental protection by making themselves aware of the business environmental policy and complying with the control measures in place. The policy is on display on the Company Main H&S notice board and is also available to interested parties on request.
Environmental Waste Management & Pollution Control ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITEDrecognises the importance of meeting their legal requirements and to manage its waste responsibly, reduce the volume of waste sent to landfill and maximise reuse and recycling where possible. Waste is unwanted materials, substances, equipment arising from commercial or industrial activities and includes: • Building and demolition materials; Substances/chemicals (toxic or otherwise); • Discarded or broken utensils or equipment; Contaminated soil, materials, plant etc
ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED management shall identify the potential waste disposal requirements of a project and make adequate provision to ensure it is suitably managed in accordance with the current Controlled Waste Regulations. Management shall determine the nature of the waste for disposal and shall ensure that suitable assessment is undertaken; that appropriate safe working procedures are devised and suitable containment of waste arranged. Where undertaking removal of waste materials or products, management shall ensure that they are registered as a carrier in accordance with the Controlled Waste (The Controlled Waste (Registration of Carriers and Seizure of Vehicles) (Amendment) Regulations). Where contract carriers, are to be engaged to remove the waste, management shall confirm those appointed are suitably registered to undertake the business and shall confirm the proposed method and location of disposal.ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED shall: Ensure that waste management is performed in accordance with all waste legislative requirements, including the duty of care, and to plan for future legislative changes and to mitigate their effects.
• Minimise waste generation at source and facilitate repair, reuse and recycling over the disposal of wastes, where it is cost effective.
• • Coordinate each activity within the waste management chain. Promote environmental awareness in order to increase and encourage waste minimisation, reuse and recycling.
• • Ensure the safe handling and storage of wastes on site.
• Provide appropriate training for staff on waste management issues.
Equipment Inspections & Records The User must carry out a daily visual inspection of any equipment prior to its use, and must immediately report any defect, or suspected defect to the Supervisor. The Responsible Person will arrange periodic inspections of all ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED equipment to include ladders, other access to height, PPE, tools, machines etc, and will keep a record of such inspections in compliance with PUWER. Where an inspection reveals a defect, it will be the responsibility of the Responsible Person to ensure that the equipment is not used until such time as a suitable repair has been effected. If the equipment is beyond repair it must be discarded, whether or not a suitable replacement is available, and any work relying on the use of such equipment must be suspended until a suitable replacement is available.
External Health and Safety Consultants ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED use HS Direct Ltd who will: Advise of any new safety legislation or changes in existing legislation. Provide general assistance to ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED to aid in the fulfillment of its obligations and duties as set out in statutes. Assist, where required or requested, with the initial implementation of the changes required by changes in safety legislation. It is the responsibility of ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED to ensure that the safety consultants are notified whenever assistance or support is needed.
Fire Safety In the event of a fire in ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED premises the designated Responsible Person (RP) or alternatively in their absence their nominated representative will take charge. In their absence the most senior person on site will assume the responsibility. Fire risk assessments will be carried out in all areas occupied by the organisation, the risk assessments will consider sources of ignition, sources of fuel and any additional source of oxygen over and above that present in the air. The assessment will evaluate the risk of a fire starting and the effect of the fire on people and property. The assessment will indicate control measures to remove or reduce the risk of fire starting. The significant findings of the assessment will be communicated to all relevant persons together with the necessary instruction and training to reduce the risk. Means of Escape In the event of fire occurring, it is vital that staff and other persons are able to evacuate the premises. All existing doors through which a person may have to pass to get out of the premises must be capable of being easily and immediately opened from the inside. Staff will not block or otherwise obstruct exits provided for emergency evacuation
• Access routes must always be maintained unobstructed to exit doors (internal and final exits) sufficient to allow easy access by the number of persons likely to use those routes, (750 mm minimum width) and employees must observe any line markers to indicate areas which must be kept clear.
• Stairways in buildings must be free from any risk of fire or spread of fire eg unauthorised portable heater, combustible material etc.
• Under no circumstances should fire doors be wedged open unless they are retained by automatic magnetic release systems or similar which are connected to the fire alarm system.
First Aid Arrangements ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED will ensure that as a minimum the organisation has a person trained in Emergency First Aid at each office. The Emergency First Aider will be responsible for maintaining the first aid kit and taking charge after an accident, this includes calling for an ambulance if necessary. Where visits are carried out to other premises, first aid provisions will be carried by ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED employees. Clients being visited are expected to provide emergency first aid cover. ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED First Aider names will be displayed on the offices Health and Safety notice board. 3.18 Guidance ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED commits to operating to the very highest standards of Health, Safety and Quality and will therefore carry out its operations in accordance with best practice as advised by the Health & Safety Executive and also various trade bodies and associations. This best practice will be reviewed on an annual basis and adopted annually or when evidence that significant improvements can be made by adopting sooner. Guidance documents are kept at head office and will be made available to staff and other interested parties.
Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAV) Anyone who regularly and frequently is exposed to high levels of vibration can suffer permanent injury. The construction industry has the second highest incidence of Vibration White Finger (VWF) injury which is one of the more common forms of HAVS. ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED will ensure that staff are not subjected to excessive vibration through power tools etc. The company will endeavour to source low vibration tools and limit individual exposure to such tools. The company will also provide adequate information, instruction and training to its staff and contractors on the risks of HAVS.
Health & Safety Records All records will be kept by ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED in written form indicated in the various appendices. Such records will include:
• Equipment Inspections
• COSHH Assessments
• Generic Risk Assessments
• Staff Training and Induction Records
• Accident Record Book
Health & Safety Training ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED will provide training and refresher training as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of all staff. During induction and upon any job transfer, safety training will be provided as necessary to ensure that individuals are trained in Health & Safety matters to a level appropriate to their responsibilities. Induction Training Every new employee will receive a safety induction on day one of his/her employment. The training will consist of fire safety, arrangements for first aid, manual handling, and display screen equipment use (where necessary), environmental and general safety. New employees will also be given instruction and safety training on display screen equipment they will be required to use whilst discharging their duties. A training record will be kept and maintained in our online system.
Health Surveillance All employees of ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED are encouraged to carry out personal health checks. Any problems reported will be dealt with in a personal and confidential manner by senior management. Should DSM Construction Services Ltd have any concerns regarding the wellbeing of any employee they may suggest a referral to a professional occupational health provider. Or on request of an employee in matters relating to work related ill health issues, DSM Construction Services Ltd will pay for conducting relevant medical surveillance where appropriate.
Lone Working Lone working is only authorised in exceptional circumstances. When granted, mobile phone checks must be carried out between the employee and Management/Team Leader to ensure the safety of the employee. On completion, the employee is to call and confirm cessation of work.
Machinery Maintenance All machines including power tools, jet wash equipment, saws, drills etc shall be subject to regular inspection by a competent person, who will withdraw damaged or unsuitable equipment from service immediately. A record of the inspection and actions will be made and recorded for reference. All machinery will also be subject to maintenance and service as per the manufacturers instruction and maintenance schedule OR at least annually in compliance with PUWER and records held.
Machinery Operation All employees/contractors who are required to operate machinery or plant will have the appropriate training and be assessed to determine competency. Where required, the individual will hold a current licence / certificate to operate such machinery or plant. It is company policy to take severe disciplinary action against any person found to be operating machinery without the necessary competence.
Manual Handling Assessments ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED will carry out specific manual handling assessments for any necessary operation which has been highlighted as requiring a detailed assessment by the general risk assessment. Where practical, manual handling should be avoided by utilising mechanical means to minimise the risks arising from manual handling. Manual handling assessments will consider the load to be handled, e.g. tools, equipment, materials etc, its size and weight, the individual, the task and the environment in which the task takes place. The assessment will also consider the possibility of kinetic lifting techniques to assist the movement of an object and to minimise the risks arising from manual handling.
Method Statements (Safe Operating Procedures) Work Instructions (Method Statements) will be developed for all company operations. Information from the risk assessments will be used to formulate these documents which will be used in training and given to members of staff. The work instructions will be reviewed and updated either periodically or when something significant changes. Method statements are written using our online system and are made available together with Risk Assessments, to the Client.
Noise Regular exposure to high noise levels can cause deafness and tinnitus. Noise assessments will be carried out when ever it is suspected that noise levels may be above 80 db(a), and hearing protection will be provided for all operatives likely to be affected. Information and advice to use hearing protection will be issued. Where noise levels are at 85 db (a) or above, where possible, ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED will take measures to reduce the exposure of noise to its employees by means other than hearing protection. Where this is not possible, the area may be identified as a Hearing Protection Zone. The wearing of suitable hearing protection shall also be enforced.
Personal Protective Equipment The need for Personal Protective Equipment will be determined through risk assessment and will be provided by ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITEDfree of charge. The relevant PPE must be worn at all times whilst carrying out work and in compliance with any mandatory requirements of specific sites. Details of the correct PPE will be made available to employees within the risk assessments and method statements relevant to the works. No employee will be permitted to start work without the correct PPE and the necessary information, instruction and training to enable him to utilise the equipment correctly and without risks to safety and health. Persons found to be breaching PPE rules will be subject to disciplinary procedures which may include ejection from site.
Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) The term ‘portable’ is used to mean portable, movable or transportable. Portable equipment is not part of a fixed installation but when used is connected to a fixed installation (or a generator), by means of a flexible cable, plug and socket. It includes equipment that is hand held or hand operated while connected to the supply. All portable electrical appliances will be tested in accordance with the regulations, at the recommended intervals, 'as may be necessary to prevent danger'. It will be the responsibility of the site manager to ensure that all equipment provided is suitable for the task, including any provided by a Customer. Each employee/contractor must carry out a daily inspection of any equipment prior to its use, and must immediately report any defect, or suspected defect to Owner/Site Manager.
Pregnant Workers ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED recognises that pregnant workers are more vulnerable to injury and as such will carry out specific risk assessments where a worker notifies them of a pregnancy. Such assessments will be ongoing throughout the pregnancy and will consider the worker's duties, working conditions and hours. Where it is deemed that a risk to the mother or baby is present, suitable controls will be introduced to minimise that risk.
Purchase Policy The Health and Safety at Work Act as amended imposes duties upon DSM Construction Services Ltd and those providing goods and services to the company. Health & Safety legislation affects purchasing decisions including the use of sub-contractors or out-sourced activities. This also includes the purchase of new or hired-in equipment, maintenance services and goods; but is not limited to such legislation as The Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations as amended; The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) and The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations. When purchasing or hiring machinery / equipment ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED will make sure it has all the relevant information and instructions on how it works, including the appropriate safety features and certifications of compliance. All suppliers of services will be competent and trained. All users of the equipment will receive suitable training and instruction before being allowed to use equipment. The equipment must be safe, meet all relevant UK and EU supply Directives and be CE marked; it will be maintained in line with current legal requirements, and manufactures / suppliers guidance or ACOPS ruling at the time of use.
Risk Assessments The Owner or their nominated representative will prepare a generic risk assessment covering the common risks encountered in the company's normal business. If necessary, external assistance will be sought to carry out the generic risk assessments. The significant findings of the risk assessments will be relayed to all staff. The Owner or their nominated representative will carry out site specific risk assessment for sites where company employees/contractors are obliged to work. Such assessments will consider the health and safety of employee / contractors and the public on site. In particular the company is aware of the number of serious injuries from the incidence of Slips, Trips and Falls. The Owner therefore will pay particular attention to eliminating these hazards from each site. All Risk Assessments will be produced using our online management system and are made available to all clients upon request. Employees should have a copy of risk assessments for the work they carry out.
Road Safety Transport Covering vehicles in excess of 3.5 Tonnes GVW ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED strives to prevent vehicle accidents and promote safe driving practices and consideration for the environment amongst all company drivers. ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED will only employ drivers who hold relevant licences for the class of vehicle used. All vehicles will undergo regular vehicle inspection and maintenance in line with legislative and manufacturer requirements. All company transport is managed in line with the requirements of current legislation and the Highway Code. Only experienced, capable and qualified drivers are allowed to drive on company business and licences are monitored on an ongoing basis. It is a legal requirement that drivers must wear seatbelts at all times and smoking in vehicles is not allowed. Any breach of these requirements will be dealt with by strict disciplinary procedures. ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED endeavours to use the most efficient routing to minimise costs and environmental pollution, taking into account driving hours regulations and other fees/tolls and constraints. In order to ensure that our drivers are kept up to date on legal responsibilities, safety, speed limits, cyclists, breakdown, accidents, alcohol and drugs, mobile phones and fatigue; information is conveyed via frequent tool box talks. ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED requires drivers to undergo eye-sight checks every two years and ensure that the company is kept advised of any medical condition or prescribed medication which might impair their driving so that appropriate assistance and safeguards can be implemented. All drivers must abide by the driving hours regulations and submit the vehicle Tachograph chart at the end of each shift or journey or when requested by VOSA or other regulatory bodies. On no account may Goods Vehicles over 3.5 tonnes be operated without a Tachograph or Driver Card at any time. Tachograph disks or Driver Cards must not be used by other than the named User/s. The company sets its controls based on the findings of risk assessment. These are to be reviewed at least annually or more often if required.
The company will monitor their drivers’ hours to ensure legal driving hours are not exceeded in accordance with tachograph rules.
Safety Audits and Monitoring At regular intervals ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED will carry out a health & safety audit. The audit will consider the effectiveness of the welfare facilities; emergency procedures, safe methods of work etc. identified at the outset, and will identify any corrective action required. Where DSM Construction Services Ltdconsiders it necessary in order to maintain the desired level of health & safety, they may seek the assistance of an external Health & Safety Advisor in carrying out audits and identifying corrective actions.
Serious or Imminent Danger These procedures are in line with Regulation 8 of the current Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations. It is a policy of
ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED that no employee or sub-contractor will be made to work in dangerous conditions without due regard to health and safety and all employees should be aware that there are regulations and procedures regarding serious or imminent danger. Managers, supervisors and employees are reminded that they must not under any circumstances undertake work or instruct others to undertake work where there is a risk of imminent danger without adequate controls, safety procedures, training and personal protective equipment being in place to minimise that risk. ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED authorises any employee to remove himself/herself to a relative place of safety when he/she has reason to believe he/she is at serious risk or in imminent danger. Work will not resume in that area until the risk has been minimised. Some emergency events can occur and develop rapidly, thus requiring employees to act without waiting for further guidance, for example, in a fire. Employees must, on arrival at new sites, make themselves familiar with the emergency procedures, escape routes and location of fire fighting equipment etc prior to starting work. Under no circumstances will work activities take priority over safety considerations.
Transport & Company Vehicle Safety It is the policy of ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED to only employ drivers who are competent. Driver approval and competence A person may only operate company vehicles if he or she; 1. Has held a full UK licence for a minimum of 2 years Has not been disqualified from driving for drink and/or drug offences in the last 5 years nor has any prosecution pending 2. 3. Holds the correct licence for the type of vehicle being operated Drivers must inform the company of any circumstances that may lead a driver to being unfit for driving duties. Drivers must inform the office immediately they become aware of any pending prosecution for any driving offence. All drivers will be asked to provide detail of driving licence number, national insurance number and Post Code registered on driving licence in order that annual checks may be made on applicable vehicle licences and any penalty points registered.
Welfare In most cases company employees / contractors will be able to use toilet / washing facilities within the customer's premises. It will be the responsibility of the Site Manager to ascertain if this is possible prior to commencement of a contract. Where it is not possible, it will be the responsibility of the Site Manager to establish the location of suitable temporary or public facilities. Where work is carried out in peoples homes we will make a verbal request to use their washing facilities if required.
Working at Height It is the policy of ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED to comply with the current Work at Height Regulations. Work at height will be avoided wherever possible. Where work at height can not be avoided, the site foreman is responsible for carrying out a risk assessment and selecting appropriate work equipment to provide safe access to height and ensuring the appropriate safety measures to prevent falls are implemented. Only trained and competent staff will be allowed to work at height and apprentices will be closely supervised. Where the risk of a fall can not be eliminated the foreman will put in place measures and equipment to minimise the distance and consequences of a fall should one occur.
Young Workers Risk Assessments must be carried out in compliance with The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations as amended. This includes young persons on job experience working within the business. There are also special provisions for young people in the Working Time Regulations concerning limits of hours of work, rest from work and annual holidays. Young workers are seen as being particularly at risk because of their possible lack of awareness of existing or potential risks, immaturity and inexperience. ELITE BESPOKE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED will therefore:
• Assess risks to young workers.
• Take into account their inexperience, lack of awareness and immaturity.
• Prohibit certain activities where higher risks are identified. Not allow the young person to operate any machinery or equipment without proper supervision and training.
• • Provide training to ensure competence before allowing any unsupervised activity to be undertaken.
• Provide suitable supervision at all times. •
Not employ any person under the age of 14 years for any paid or non paid employment.